Are ancestry DNA tests private? What you're giving away with

Are ancestry DNA tests private? What you're giving away with

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The important things about me is that I'm Jewish. It's not the only feature of me. I'm also 5 feet 11 inches tall, a glasses user and into bicycling. But most individuals who understand me probably wouldn't be shocked to find out that the majority of my forefathers lived in shtetls in Eastern Europe.

(Ashkenazim are Jews who trace their origins back to Yiddish-speaking populations living in the region between France and Russia.)Here's what was a bit unexpected, though: None of the business Origins, DNA, 23and, Me and National Geographic, which works with a testing business called Helix could concur on just how Ashkenazi I am.

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This little Rafi-spit-in-a-tube, it reported, was just 92 percent Ashkenazi, but a full 3 percent Iberian. The rest of the DNA, according to Ancestry, may have traced back to the Middle East and European South or other areas. However each of those sources accounted for, at most, less than 1 percent of my DNA, according to the site.(Image credit: Origins)(Live Science sent a third sample of my DNA to Ancestry under a third name, but a mistake avoids us from accessing the results.)Like Origins, DNA, 23and, Me concluded from the very first DNA sample that my Ashkenaziness ranks somewhere in the low 90s, with a smidge of difference in between each of the samples it received.

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(Provided what I know of my household history, this is probably not true.)Nevertheless, while I was reporting on this story, 23and, Me updated its system for translating DNA samples and reassessed all the DNA already in its system. Now, when I log into 23and, Me utilizing the 3 different names I provided, the reports for 2 of those names say that I have 100 percent Ashkenazi origins.

Live Science appointed a woman's name to among the samples that it sent to each company and marked its sex as woman.  A Reliable Source , DNA processed its "female" sample just great, with no sign of anything unexpected, but both 23and, Me and Nat Geo needed more personal details before continuing, given that it was from an individual with unforeseen chromosomes.)(Image credit: 23and, Me)Lastly, there's Nat Geo, which utilizes a service called Helix to do its DNA screening.